June 28, 2019 WOD
Hang Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1-1
Greatness From Small Beginnings
Hang Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1-1
5 rounds for time of: 50 double unders 25′ single DB OH walking lunge, right arm 5 burpee bar muscle-ups 25′ Single DB OH walking lunge, left arm ♀ 35 lb. ♂ 50 lb.
2 rounds for time of: 800-m run 15 power snatches ♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.
Back squat 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 reps
3 rounds for time of: 15 cleans 15 thrusters 800-m run ♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb. *Note* Due to weather, evening classes did 30 bar facing burpees in lieu of running.
Sumo Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1 reps. Practice hollow-holds for 10 minutes Compare to April 30, 2019
4 rounds for time, alternating arms each round, of: 10 single-arm squat snatches 8 single-arm rows 6 single-arm push presses 4 single-arm Turkish get-ups ♀ 35-lb. dumbbell ♂ 50-lb. dumbbell
Fran (kipping!) 21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters Pull-ups ♀ 65 lb. ♂ 95 lb.
Tabata squats* L-sit for 2 minutes in as few sets as possible (AFSAP) 400-m Farmers carry (AFSAP) *The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Score is the least number of Read More …
3 rounds for time of: 12 squat cleans 800-m run ♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.