October 8, 2019 WOD
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 strict knees-to-elbows 3 wall walks, controlled descent 10 Dumbbell front squats ♀ 35lb. dumbbells ♂ 50lb. dumbbells
Greatness From Small Beginnings
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 strict knees-to-elbows 3 wall walks, controlled descent 10 Dumbbell front squats ♀ 35lb. dumbbells ♂ 50lb. dumbbells
3 rounds for time of: 15 hang squat snatches Run 400m. 90 sec. plank hold ♀ 75 lb. ♂ 115 lb.
“Stacy” Rememberance WOD 13 Minute AMRAP: 3 Burpee plate jumps 5 Plate ground to overhead 8 Box jump overs 145m. run Men: 45lb. plate, 30″ box jump Women: 25lb. plate, 24″ box jump
Deadlift 15-12-9-6-3 reps Finisher: 10 minutes to accumulate max time in L-hang Compare to July 16, 2019
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Dumbbell Front squat Burpee box jump over 1 Minute AMRAP Rest 2 minutes 2 Minute AMRAP Rest 3 minutes 3 Minute AMRAP Rest 4 minutes Finally, For Time. Men: 50lb. Dumbbells, 24″ box Women: 35lb. Dumbbells, 20″ box
12 Minute AMRAP: 6 Devil presses 18 Wall balls 50 Double unders Men: 50lb. dumbbells, 20lb. ball to 10′ Women: 35lb. DBs, 14lb. ball to 9′
3 rounds for time of: 25 dumbbell shoulder to overhead 50 double-unders 25 weighted step-ups 50 double-unders Men: 50-lb. dumbbells, 24-in. box Women: 35-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box
EMOM until failure 5 pull-ups + 2 wall ball Add 2 wall balls every minute on the minute until athlete can no longer complete wall balls within the minute. Score is rounds completed plus total reps (pull-ups + wall balls) Read More …
For time: 40-30-20-10 Kettlebell swings Kettlebell OH walking lunge Men: 53lb. kettlebell Women: 35lb. kettlebell For the lunges, KB can be held OH in either hand
Elizabeth 21-15-9 reps for time of: Cleans Ring dips Men: 135 lb. Women: 95 lb. Scaling Elizabeth is a classic benchmark that should be completed relatively quickly. It can be performed with either squat cleans or power cleans. Decide which Read More …