May 6, 2019 WOD
For time: 800-m run 50 strict pull-ups 800-m run 100 push-ups 800-m run 150 squats
Greatness From Small Beginnings
For time: 800-m run 50 strict pull-ups 800-m run 100 push-ups 800-m run 150 squats
3 rounds for time of: 15 power snatches 15 thrusters 30 bar facing burpees Men: 95 lb. Women: 65 lb.
3 rounds for time of: 20 walking lunges 30 wall-ball shots 40 triple-unders Men: 20-lb. ball to 10 ft. Women: 14-lb. ball to 9 ft.
3 rounds for time of: 5 strict L pull-ups 15 strict push-ups 5 strict L pull-ups 15 strict push-ups Run 600m.
5 rounds for time of: Lunge 30 feet 15 pull-ups 30 push-ups Take as few steps as possible for the lunges, and be super strict on the pull-ups and push-ups. Double/Triple under practice for 10 min.
For time: Run 400 meters 21 thrusters Run 800 meters 15 thrusters Run 400 meters 21 thrusters Men: 135 lb. Women: 95 lb.
3 rounds for time of: 5 strict muscle-ups 1 minute of L-sit
Each for time: Row 250m. Row 500m. Row 750m. Row 1000m. Row 750m. Row 500m. Row 250m. Rest as needed between efforts.
3 rounds for time: 17 Thrusters (95/65) 17 KB Swings (70/53) 17 C2B pull ups Practice front and back scales for 10 minutes.
For time: Run 400m. 15 clean & jerks Run 800m. 10 clean & jerks Run 400m. 15 clean & jerks Men: 135-lb. Women: 95-lb.