October 22, 2019 WOD
20 Minute AMRAP: 75 abmat situps 50 kettlebell swings 25 burpees 200m. run on 3,2,1 go and every 5 min. ♂ 53lb. Kettlebell ♀ 35lb. Kettlebell
Greatness From Small Beginnings
20 Minute AMRAP: 75 abmat situps 50 kettlebell swings 25 burpees 200m. run on 3,2,1 go and every 5 min. ♂ 53lb. Kettlebell ♀ 35lb. Kettlebell
For time: 100 back squats At the top of every minute, including the first minute, 5 burpees ♂ 135lb. ♀ 95lb.
20.1 10 rounds for time of: 8 ground-to-overheads, 95/65 lb. 10 bar-facing burpees Time cap: 15 minutes
10 Rounds (12 minute cap): 5 handstand push-ups 10 wall balls 30 double unders Remaining time, AMRAP burpees
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Dumbbell Front squat Burpee box jump over 1 Minute AMRAP Rest 2 minutes 2 Minute AMRAP Rest 3 minutes 3 Minute AMRAP Rest 4 minutes Finally, For Time. Men: 50lb. Dumbbells, 24″ box Women: 35lb. Dumbbells, 20″ box
For time: 75 Double unders 75 Back squats 75 Abmat sit-ups 75 Double unders 75 Burpees 75 Push press 75 Double unders Men: 45lb. barbell Women: 35lb. barbell
3 rounds for time of: 15 power snatches 15 thrusters 30 bar facing burpees Men: 95 lb. Women: 65 lb. May 1, 2019 Retest
EMOM until failure 3 Burpees to 6″ or higher 3 Thrusters 1 Hang power clean Add 1 hang power clean every minute on minute until athlete can no longer complete reps within the minute. Score is rounds completed plus total Read More …
EMOM until failure 3 power snatch + 1 bar facing burpees Add 1 burpee every minute on minute until athlete can no longer complete burpees within the minute. Score is rounds completed plus total reps (snatches + burpees) Men: 135-lb. Read More …
For time: 21 Deadlifts 9 Bar facing burpees 100 double unders 15 Deadlifts 15 Bar facing burpees 100 double unders 9 Deadlifts 21 Bar facing burpees Men: 225 lb. Women: 155 lb.