September 12, 2019 Make-up Day & Strength
Athlete Skill/Make-up Day Strength: Establish 1RM Snatch Establish 3RM Front Squat
Greatness From Small Beginnings
Athlete Skill/Make-up Day Strength: Establish 1RM Snatch Establish 3RM Front Squat
Athlete Skill/Make-up
Athlete Skill/Make-up Day Bench Press (pause last rep): 2×6@82.5%, 2×3@92.5%, 2×2@97.5% Floor press: 2×8@72% Finish with 30 heavy clean grip pendlay rows
Athlete Skill/Make-up Day Strength: Bench Press (pause last rep): 2×4@82.5%, 2×3@87.5%, 2×2@92.5% Close grip bench: 2×8 @72% Finisher: Accumulate 30 heavy DB bentover rows per side
Athlete Skill/Make-up Day Strength: Bench Press (pause last rep): 2×8@72.5%, 2×6@77.5%, 2×4@82.5% Floor Press: 2×8 @65% Finisher: 2×50+ banded tricep exensions 2×50+ banded bicep curls
Athlete skill/make-up day Strength: Bench Press (pause last rep): 2×6@75%, 2×5@80%, 2×4@85% Close grip bench: 2×8@75% Accessory work: 3×8-10 dumbbell skull crushers 3×10-15 banded DB pull-overs
Athlete Skill/Make-up Day Strength: Bench Press (pause last rep): 2×10@65%, 2×8@70%, 2×6@75% Accessory Work: Floor Press: 3×10@60% Superset with Single arm DB row x6-8 per arm (heavy) Finish with a set of 100 OH banded tricep extensions
Athlete Skill/Make-up Day Strength: Bench Press 6×6@60%, pausing 1st and last rep Accessory Work: Close grip bench 2×10 @50% Dumbbell bentover Row 5×10, moderate to heavy Dumbbell skull crusher 5×10, moderate to heavy
Athlete skill/Make-up day Strength: Bench Press (pause last rep): 2×4@80%, 2×3@85%, 2×2@90% Accessory work: Floor press 3×10@70% Superset w/ 10 DB fly’s 30+ banded bicep curls
Athlete skill/make-up day Strength: Bench Press (pause last rep) 2×6@72.5%, 2×5@77.5, 2×4@82.5% Accessory work: Close grip bench: 3×8@60% Super set with 15-20 reverse curl + strict press w/ empty barbell