March 20, 2019 WOD
Strict Fran 21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters Strict pull-ups Men: 95 lb. Women: 65 lb
Greatness From Small Beginnings
Strict Fran 21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters Strict pull-ups Men: 95 lb. Women: 65 lb
Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps
3 rounds for time of: 20 hand release pushups 20 single-arm rows, left arm 20 single-arm rows, right arm 800m. run Men: 50-lb. Women: 35-lb.
“Hidalgo” For time: Run 2 miles Rest 2 minutes 135 pound Squat clean, 20 reps 20 Box jump, 24″ box 20 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead 20 Box jump, 24″ box 135 pound Squat clean, 20 reps Read More …
2019 CrossFit Games Open 19.4 For total time: 3 rounds of: 10 snatches 12 bar-facing burpees Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with: 3 rounds of: 10 bar muscle-ups 12 bar-facing burpees Men snatch 95 lb. Time cap: 12 minutes
Handstand practice for 12 minutes L-sit practice for 12 minutes Stretch for 12 minutes Endemic Strength: Bench Press 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5+, rest 3 mins
For time: 5 strict pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 squats 10 strict pull-ups 20 push-ups 30 squats 20 strict pull-ups 40 push-ups 60 squats 40 strict pull-ups 80 push-ups 120 squats Strict 20 minute time cap!!!
Due to blizzard conditions, all evening classes (4pm, 5pm and 6pm) for Wednesday the 13th as well as theĀ 5am and 6am classes for Thursday the 14th are cancelled. Stay safe and stay warm!
3 rounds for time of: 15 power snatches 15 thrusters Men: 95 lb. Women: 65 lb.
3 rounds for time of: 7 strict muscle-ups 50 squats 800m. run