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Partner WOD, for time:
400 m. run, 500 m. row
AMRAP, 3 minutes on 3 minutes off of:
30 clean and jerks for time
*Declared weights are 135/115/95 for men and 95/75/65 for women. If all 30 reps are completed before 3 minutes is up then jump squats are done for added reps. For every clean and jerk not completed, a burpee pull-up penalty is assessed and will be done during the 3 minute break between events.
Turkish get-ups
*Mens weight is 53/35 and women’s weight is 35/26. Must alternate sides.
Sledge hammer swings
*1 rep = 1 swing with each arm. Men’s weight is 12 lb. and women’s is 8 lb.
Tire flip jump thru’s
Burpee pull-ups
***Score is total reps added together.