April 20, 2019 Hero WOD

41 Minute AMRAP:
Partner WOD, alternating after each completed round
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
100m. run
10 deadlifts
5 power cleans

Men: 115-lb.
Women: 75-lb.

Martin (Marty) Jury, a longtime member of our gym and community, sadly passed away in a tragic accident on February 9th of this year. We want to remember Marty and honor his life with a Memorial WOD this Saturday, April 20th during our 8am and 9am classes. Marty was a great guy, and was such a positive member of any class he attended. He would always try his hardest and approach every workout with purpose and determination. He was also kind and selfless, who you could count on to be the first to grab a clipboard and help judge during the Open or cheer you through your last few reps. He took an active part in the community and left a positive mark on everyone he encountered. For these reasons, we hope everyone can join us for his memorial partner workout this Saturday.

Marty leaves behind his sister Charlene and wife Talitha.


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