May 25, 2018 WOD

Partner WOD
30 minute AMRAP:
One round each partner:
Partner A runs 400m.
Partner B does AMRAP rope climbs to 15′ until Partner A gets back.
Switch. (Score is reps of rope climbs.)

One round each partner:
Partner A runs 400M
Partner B does sandbag over shoulder until Partner A returns.
Switch. (Each sandbag over shoulder is 1 pt.)

One round each partner:
Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Double Unders
Switch. (10 Double Unders is 1 pt, round down.)

One round each partner:
Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Burpees over bag
Switch. (5 burpees is 1 pt.)

If above is completed in less than 30 minutes, start over and continue until the 30-minute cap.

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