Everyone’s performance this week has been phenomenal! As a box we’ve seen numerous improvements on form and technique, as a result we have seen PR’s being set across the board. Congratulations to everyone on all of their hard work and dedication. One of the most important things to remember about the CrossFit methodology is that it is very compounding on itself, and the more time spent focusing on the technical aspects and endurance will directly lead to increased results. What I’m getting at is, get your ass in here more.
For the month of May we are running a membership special for anyone attending the Tough Mudder in Beaver Creek June 9th or 10th, the 3-day a week price of $75 will allow those competing to attend unlimited classes for the month! We have formed a box team for the Mudder, if interested in joining our team and getting thrashed for 10 plus miles alongside us please let Kristy, Ben, or myself know! Space is limited on lodging, however you could look at spending no more than $50 a night.
- “J.J.” team WOD
- “Isn’t that that guy from Applebee’s?”